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Aluminum PBT Loose Tube OPGW Cable

FIBERFUTURE® The PBT Loose Tube Optical Ground Wire (OPGW) Cable is surrounded by single or double layers of aluminum clad steel wires(ACS) or mix ACS wires and aluminum alloy wires. The OPGW cable has excellent mechanical strength properties. As a result, optical fibers are protected from abrasion, tension and lateral pressure. This fundamentally ensures that the optical fibers are not damaged by external forces.


Besides, HUNANGL OPGW cables have excellent resistance to lightning discharges and short-circuit current surges. Thus, optical fibers can continue to work normally in the event of lightning and short circuits.


We can customize the OPGW fiber optic cable according to the needs of the esteemed customers from 12, 24, 36, 48, 96, Up to 144 cores of OPGW optical cable. 



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Fiber Count
Fiber Type

The Details Of Aluminum Tube OPGW Cable


Aluminum Tube OPGW Cable

Fiber Core



Optical fibers are placed loosely in plastic tubes embedded in a hermetically sealed aluminum tube. The aluminum tube is surrounded by single or double layers of metal wires. The structure has good corrosion resistance for its uniform materials.



Photovoltaic / wind power plant / transmission line / substation

Main Features

  • High quality IEC607948, IEEE1138 standards for designing, testing, and producing with grade A materials available to ensure long-term reliability.
  • Engineering support supervising and providing its own line of accessories hardware.
  • Seal stainless steel tube superior protection to the fiber optical to moisture and extreme environmental conditions such as lightning.
  • To construct OPGW cable must cut power, resulting in greater loss, thus OPGW optical cable must be used in constructing a high-pressure line over 110kv.
  • Apply to the transformation of old lines.

The Color of Fiber and Loose tube

01 - Blue 02 - Orange 03 - Green
04 - Brown 05 - Slate 06 - White
07 - Red 08 - Black 09 - Yellow
10 - Violet 11 - Pink 12 - Aqua

The Standard Of Optical Fiber

Our optical fibres supplied in this specification meet the requirements of ITU-T G.652.D/fITU-T G.655.


ITU-TG.652 Characteristics of a single mode optical fiber.
ITU-TG.655 Characteristics of a non-zero dispersion -shifted single mode fibers optical.
EIA/TIA598 B Col code of fiber optic cables.
IEC 60794-4-10 Aerial optical cables along electrical power lines-family specification for OPGW cable.
IEC 60794-1-2 Optical fiber cables -part test procedures.
IEEE1138-2009 IEEE Standard for testing and performance for optical ground wire for use on electric utility power lines.
IEC 61232 Aluminum -Clad steel wire for electrical purposes.
IEC60104 Aluminum magnesium silicon alloy wire for overhead line conductors.
IEC 61089 Round wire concentric lay overhead electrical stranded conductors.

The Specification Of Aluminum Tube OPGW Cable

Specification Fiber Count Diameter(mm) Weight (kg/km) RTS(KN) Short Circuit(KA2s)
OPGW-113(87.9;176.9) 48 14.8 600 87.9 176.9
OPGW-70(81; 41) 24 12 500 81 41
OPGW-66(79;36) 36 11.8 484 79 36
OPGW-77(72;36) 36 12.7 503 72 67

One-stop Solution For OPGW Cable & Hardware

We provide 19 years of experience and excellent solutions for your hardware needs in both ADSS (All-Dielectric Self Supporting), OPGW (Optical Ground Wire), and other cable calmps. Such as suspension clamp, dead-end clamp, dead-end fittings, joint box, etc. We are fully equipped to serve as your hardware provider and be your “one-stop-shopping” service. Or, if you pre f e r, you may purchase the approved hard w a re separately.


Aluminum PBT Loose Tube OPGW Cable Aluminum PBT Loose Tube OPGW Cable Aluminum PBT Loose Tube OPGW Cable


Test Requirements For OPGW Cable


Hunangl ensures a continuing level of quality in our cable products through several quality control programs including ISO 9001. We ensure the product reliability through rigorous qualification testing of each product family.Both initial and periodic qualification testing are performed to assure the cableʼs performance and durability in the field environments.


There are different test series to assure the quality of OPGW:
- Routine test (in‒process testing according to internal quality plan)
- Factory acceptance test (FAT, witnessed by customer)
- Type test (only in case of a basic new design, repetition in exceptional cases)
OPGW tests shall be in accordance with applicable standards or agreements between purchaser and manufacturer.
As a general rule the tests will be performed according IEC 60794-4-10.However, if necessary tests can be done according to IEEE Std1138.

Type test
Type test may be waived by submitting makerʼs certificate of the similar product performed
in an internationally acknowledged independent test organization or laboratory. If type test
should be performed, it will be carried out according to an extra type test procedure reached
to an agreement between purchaser and manufacturer.

Routine test
The optical attenuation coefficient on all production cable lengths is measured according to IEC 60793-1-CIC (Back-scattering technique, OTDR). Standard single-mode fibers are measured at 1310nm and at 1550nm. Non-zero dispersion shifted single‒mode (NZDS) fibers are measured at 1550nm.

Factory test
Factory acceptance test is carried out on two samples per order in the presence of the customer or his representative. The requirements for quality characteristics are determined by relevant standards and agreed quality plans.


OPGW Cable Factory & Equipment

Aluminum PBT Loose Tube OPGW Cable



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